Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Saturday released the logo and mascot of the National Youth Festival which will be held in Hubballi-Dharwad from January 12 to 16. They were released at a function held virtually in which Union Coal, Mining and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi, Union Minister for Youth Empowerment and Sports Anurag Singh Thakur and Karnataka Minister for Youth Empowerment and Sports Dr C Narayana Gowda were present, a government statement said.
"The theme of this year's Youth festival is 'Vikasit Yuva, Vikasit Bharat', and over 7,500 delegates from all over the country are expected to participate. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will open this festival in Hubballi on January 12 to coincide with the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda," the statement read. The CM thanked the Government of India for allowing Karnataka to host this year's National Youth Festival and Khelo India University Sports meet.