New Delhi:Chief Justice N V Ramana Friday expressed deep concern over shootout inside the crowded Rohini courtroom here and spoke to the Delhi High Court Chief Justice in this regard. CJI Ramana spoke to Delhi High Court Chief Justice D N Patel in this regard and advised him to talk to both police and the Bar to ensure that the functioning of the court is not affected, an apex court official said.
The issue of safety and security of court complexes and judicial personnel is already under the consideration of the Supreme Court and the matter may get priority hearing next week, the top court official said. Jailed gangster Jitendra Gogi and his two assailants posing as lawyers were killed inside a crowded Rohini courtroom on Friday in a dramatic shootout that also saw the police fire bullets in retaliation, officials said.
Video footage of the incident showed policemen and lawyers rushing out in panic as gunshots rang out inside courtroom number 207. The two gunmen dressed as lawyers are suspected to be members of rival Tillu gang, an official said, adding that over 30 shots were fired.