New Delhi:Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud on Sunday said that the apex court has acted as a ''people's court'' and citizens should not be afraid of going to courts or view it as the last resort. Justice Chandrachud, while speaking at the inauguration of the Constitution Day celebrations at the apex court, said in the last seven decades, the Supreme Court has acted as a people's court and thousands of citizens have approached its doors with the faith that they will get justice through this institution. He said just as the Constitution allows us to resolve political differences through established democratic institutions and processes, the court system helps in resolving many disagreements through established principles and processes.
Justice Chandrachud said the apex court was perhaps the only court in the world where any citizen could set in motion the constitutional machinery simply by writing to the CJI. He said apart from ensuring that citizens get justice through its judgements, the apex court has been making continuous endeavours to ensure that its administrative processes are citizen-centric so that people feel the connection with the working of courts.
The CJI said citizens come to court to seek protection of their liberty, accountability against unlawful arrests, protection of rights of bonded labourers, tribals seeking protection of their homelands, prevention of social evils such as manual scavenging and even hoping for interference to get clean air. He stressed that every case in every court in the country is an extension of constitutional governance and these cases are not just citations or statistics for the court.
“These cases resemble the expectations of people from the Supreme Court as well as the court's commitment to deliver justice to the citizens,'' said CJI. President Droupadi Murmu delivered the inaugural address at the programme, which was also attended by Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal, apex court judges Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul and Justice Sanjiv Khanna, Attorney General R Venkataramani and others.