Hyderabad: Alleging that the NDA government is anti-farmer and pro-corporate, TRS MLC and KCR daughter Kavitha on Thursday said the BJP which claimed to be 'chowkidars' were "sleeping" when corporate loan defaulters of banks were looting public money. Citing a recent reply in Rajya Sabha, she claimed that "Rs 19,40,000 crore of loans of corporates in the country have been waived off."
"My sincere request to the people of this country. We should now realise that the people, the party, the government which claims that they will be 'chowkidars' in this country were sleeping while the corporates were looting this country and going away. We do not need 'sleeping chowkidars'. We need 'jimmedar netas' (leaders who are responsible) to make sure that the wealth of this country stays in this country," she told reporters in Nizamabad.