Patna: Amid the leadership crisis in the Lok Janshakti Party (LJP), the planning of Chirag Paswan, the son of former Union minister and LJP founder late Ram Vilas Paswan, seems to get leaked frequently these days. On Friday, a purported audio conversation between Chirag Paswan and LJP Youth Wing leader Sanjeev Sardar went viral on social media platforms. However, the authenticity of the viral audio clip is not confirmed.
In the alleged audio clip, Chirag Paswan can be heard instructing Sardar to hold a massive protest at the LJP office and at the airport when Pashupati Kumar Paras arrived in Patna on Wednesday. He further asked Sardar to make sure that Paras doesn't enter the party office in Patna. In reply, Sardar can be heard saying that he would arrange youth from the Dalit hostels in Patna for the protest against Paras' arrival.
Read: Rift intensify within LJP: Clash between Chirag & Paras supporters in Patna