Mumbai:Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Thursday called on veteran Shiv Sena leader Leeladhar Dake here to inquire about his health, a statement issued by Shinde's office said. The chief minister visited Dake at his house in Chembur in the morning and it said, "Shinde inquired about their health and well-being, and took his blessings. The senior leader was happy that an ordinary Shiv Sainik has become the chief minister and guided him."
Shinde had last month raised a banner of revolt against the Sena leadership. His rebellion, in which 40 out of the 55 Sena MLAs supported him, led to the collapse of the Uddhav Thackeray-led three-party Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government on June 29. The next day, Shinde took oath as the chief minister with Bharatiya Janata Party's senior leader Devendra Fadnavis as his deputy.