Mumbai: Chief Minister Eknath Shinde visited the house of famous industrialist, Ratan Tata, in Colaba on Wednesday where Shinde initiated good terms with the Tatas regarding increasing industrial activities in the states. Earlier, Shinde also visited Shiv Sena MP Gajanan Kirtikar, MNS President Raj Thackeray and Uddhav Thackeray's sister-in-law Smita Thackeray, who quit politics many years ago at Sahyadri Guest House on Tuesday where Shinde expressed his concern about the minister's and the industrialist's good health and he also discussed the state's development.
CM Eknath Shinde calls on Ratan Tata in Mumbai
Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, on Wednesday, went to meet industrialist Ratan Tata in Colaba, Mumbai and inquired about his health and also discussed about industrial development in the state.
Chief minister Eknath Shinde meets industrialist Ratan Tata in Mumbai