Balrampur (Chhattisgarh): In an unfortunate incident, an old man died while he was being rushed to a hospital on a handcart due to the lack of proper medical and commutation facilities in the Vadrafnagar development block of the district. The deceased, identified as Ashok Paswan, worked as a laborer under the Vadrafnagar Nagar Panchayat, with only a nephew for a family.
The old man had been sick for a while due to old age and had no one to take proper care of him as he never got married. His nephew, who checked on him once in a while, realized that he had an extremely high fever and decided to take him to a hospital on Sunday. However, because of the lack of an ambulance facility in the village, he had to resort to a hand cart to carry the old man to a hospital. Some police officials saw the man pushing his sick old uncle on the cart and offered help.