Bilaspur:The Chhattisgarh High Court has once again rejected the bail plea of a Raigad man accused of working in two government jobs at the same time. Santosh Kumar Kashyap, a resident of Vinoba Nagar, went unnoticed for six years working for both the Indian Railways and Public Works Department. A fraud case was registered against him at Chakradhar Nagar police station in Raigad under Section 420.
The accused youth has been absconding since the FIR was registered. He had filed a petition in the High Court for anticipatory bail on March 8, 2016, which was rejected. After this, he again applied for anticipatory bail and while hearing the matter, the bench of Justice Gautam Bhaduri found in the investigation report that he had resigned from the Railways in 2014, but had already joined the PWD 2008.