Narayanpur: A DRG (District Reserve Guard) jawan sustained injuries in his eye and other parts of the body when an IED went off in Chhattisgarh's Narayanpur on Friday. On receiving the information, the DRG forces, along with police, had gone to Bahker forests in the Chhotadongar police station area of the district to defuse the bomb. While neutralising the IED, the bomb went off with a large explosion. The DRG Jawan sustained eye injury and mild injuries to other parts of the body due to dust and splinters.
The injured jawan, Anjuri Ram Baghel, was immediately moved to Narayanpur district hospital. After providing him first-aid, he was shifted to Raipur for better treatment. Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Hem Sagar Sidar said, "We conduct search operations in Maoist-hit areas from time to time. Soldiers of DRG were dispatched to the Bahker forest to defuse the bomb. While deactivating the IED, one soldier sustained injuries. Other members of the DRG team were safe."