Raipur: The Chhattisgarh Police on Tuesday arrested a 41-year-old man allegedly involved in a terror funding case and absconding since 2013 from Jharkhand, an official said. Shravan Kumar Mandal (41), a native of Bihar, was arrested by a joint team of the Chhattisgarh Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS), Raipur police's Anti Crime and Cyber Unit and police from Deoghar district of Jharkhand, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Prashant Agrawal said on Tuesday.
Mandal was on the run since 2013 when the case was registered at Raipur's Khamtarai police station, he said. "He had allegedly transferred several lakhs of rupees through his bank account to the accounts of people linked with terrorist organisations Students' Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and Indian Mujahideen," the official said.