Chennai:Priya Rajan, who was recently appointed as Chennai's 49th mayor, wore the 'traditional' gold chain that weighs up to 820 gms and costs up to Rs 41 lakhs during the ceremony wherein she took charge as the Mayor. The first Dalit woman to have taken charge as the Mayor in Tamil Nadu, Rajan is the granddaughter of former MLA Chengai Sivam. She is also the youngest and third woman in the state to be appointed as the Mayor after Tara Cherian in 1958, and Kamakshi Jayaraman in 1971.
As informed by former mayor M Thiraviyam, the gold chain has become a part of a tradition since it was given to the first mayor of Madurai corporation, S. Muthu, during MG Ramachandran’s tenure as the Chief Minister. He also informed that the serving mayor wears this chain only during the government functions in which the Chief Minister or Prime Minister participates.