Chandrapur (Maharashtra):Athree-year-old girl was attacked by a leopard while she was taking food at her house in Chandrapur town of Maharashtra, on Wednesday. On hearing the screams of the child, the mother of the child ran towards the wild beast and chased away the leopard. She was carrying a stick in her hand.
3-yr-old injured in Leopard attack in Chandrapur town of Maharashtra
On hearing the screams of the child, the mother of the child ran towards the wild beast and chased away the leopard. She was carrying a stick in her hand.
The incident created uproarious scenes and people demanded authorities to kill the leopard immediately. The man-animal conflict has gone up in the Durgapur locality of Chandrapur town in Maharashtra in recent days. A few days ago, a woman was killed by a leopard.
"On Wednesday night, the minor girl was taking food at her home, located in Ward No.1 at Durgapur locality of the town, when the leopard pounced and injured her. The mother of the child chased away the leopard with a stick. The injured child has been undergoing treatment at the district general hospital," said police sources.