Mumbai: Former Mumbai police commissioner Param Bir Singh was issued summons for the fourth time to appear before the Chandiwal commission. The commission imposed a fine of Rs 25,000 on Singh as he failed to appear. It is for the third time Singh was fined upon.
The one-member commission of Justice (retd) Kailash Uttamchand Chandiwal was set up by the Maharashtra government to probe corruption allegations levelled by Singh against former state home minister Anil Deshmukh. Singh had challenged the committee's existence and summons before the Bombay High Court, however, the court did not issue any directions based on his plea.
Earlier, on August 19, the commission imposed a fine of Rs 25,000 on him with a stern warning of 'last chance.' In June, Singh was asked to pay Rs 5,000 as fine for failing to appear before the commission and the amount was to be deposited in Chief Minister's COVID-19 Relief Fund.