Hyderabad: Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, while on his recent visit to India, drove an electric auto rickshaw through the streets of a city. A video of his ride has gone viral on the internet, garnering over one million views and thousands of likes so far. The tech billionaire shared the clip on his Instagram handle, with the popular old Hindi Bollywood song "Babu Samjho Ishare"from the film 'Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi'.
Reacting to the video, Anand Mahindra, the Chairman of the Mahindra Group, invited Gates for a "three-wheeler EV drag race" between the two businessmen and cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar. Resharing the video on Twitter, Mahindra wrote - "Chalti ka Naam Bill Gates ki Gaadi". So glad you found the time to check out the Treo @BillGates Now on your next trip's agenda should be a 3-wheeler EV drag race between you, @sachin_rt and me...". The Twitteratis received both Gates' video and Mahindra's challenge well and appreciated the banter between the two business tycoons.
In the video posted by Gates, he can be seen looking at himself in the vehicle's mirror as he begins to enjoy his ride. He then highlights the features of the three-wheeler and talks about the need to reinvent the way we do everything from agriculture to transportation to achieve a zero-carbon emissions world. Gates also appreciated the Indian company Mahindra's contribution to the decarbonization of the transportation industry in the video.