Diyun/New Delhi:Responding to the statement of All Arunachal Pradesh Students Union (AAPSU) that was published in a section of the media that the Chief Secretary of Arunachal Pradesh has been instructed by Chief Minister Pema Khandu to conduct the census of the Chakmas and Hajongs of Arunachal Pradesh, the Committee for Citizenship Rights of the Chakmas and Hajongs of Arunachal Pradesh (CCRCHAP) stated that Chakmas and Hajongs shall not cooperate with the illegal census.
“No Chakma and Hajong shall cooperate with the illegal census. Any census on them must meet the litmus test of complying with Article 14 and Article 21 of the Constitution and the 1996 Supreme Court judgment in the case of National Human Rights Commission Vs State of Arunachal Pradesh & Anr,” stated Santosh Chakma, General Secretary of the CCRCHAP.