New Delhi: The Union Home Ministry has sanctioned Y-category security for actor and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP from Gurdaspur Sunny Deol. The decision to grant him the central security cover was taken after the Intelligence Bureau submitted a report citing a threat to his life.
According to officials, under Y-category, 11 personnel (5 for static duty and 6 for personal security) will work over shifts for Deol. Two Personal Security Officer (PSOs) and an armed guard will be at his residence round the clock and there will be additional security at night.
"Deol already had Y-category security provided to him by the Punjab government but the ongoing farmers' protest and the continuous suspicious activities by Pakistani terrorists at Gurdaspur are the main reason for increasing the Minister's security," a source said.
Recently, Sunny Deol had commented about the new farm laws and said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government at the Centre always thinks of the betterment of farmers and he stands with his party and as well as farmers.