Hyderabad:The Centre on Friday released the Government of India calendar 2024 with the theme of “Hamara Sankalp Viksit Bharat”, having different themes and QR codes for every month. The calendar 2024 depicts the social, cultural and economic transformation brought about in the lives of the people of India through the design of people-friendly policies and the implementation of schemes and initiatives under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Speaking on the occasion, Union Minister Anurag Thakur recalled the numerous achievements of the government, images related to which adorn pages of the calendar. "With different themes for every month and a QR code providing further details, the calendar reflects on the achievements we've had in diverse sectors, be it railways, infrastructure, startups and above all, a corruption-free government responsive to the needs of the people," Thakur said.
The minister stated that India has made tremendous strides towards becoming Atmanirbhar. A country that was the second largest importer of mobile phones is today the second largest manufacturer. A country that used to import vaccines is now distributing vaccines to the whole world under Vaccine Maitri. India is today a manufacturing giant.
He further added that even in the spaces that did not have an Indian presence, India is now a power to reckon with and exemplifying this, he said that India is today the third largest startup ecosystem.
Thakur said that the government holds women's empowerment paramount, and this is exemplified by the Ujjwala Yojana on the one hand, and 'Drone Didi' on the other hand. On the topic of farmers' welfare, Thakur said that it was the current government that implemented the Swaminathan Committee report. Furthermore, the government has spent 2.8 lakh crore so far on farmers' prosperity, he added.
About the calendar
Each month showcases the smiles put on the faces of women, youth, middle class, farmers and cross-section of society through the fulfilment of the promises made by the Government of India over the past nine years reflecting on ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas’ mission.
January:As we enter into the New Year, we embrace the spirit of innovation and resilience with the theme of ‘Unleashing Potential, Making India Self-reliant’ for the first month of the year. India has achieved unparalleled success, thanks to initiatives like Make in India and Make for the World and the theme of January is serving as a due reminder of our collective efforts towards a self-sufficient and empowered future.
February:Moving ahead, we celebrate February with the theme of 'Youth Power for National Development'. From fostering entrepreneurship to embracing technology, February is a call to amplify the contributions of the youth, propelling the nation toward a brighter and more inclusive future.
March:Serving the poor and uplifting the marginalised have been one of the core priorities of the Modi government. The month of March, with its theme of ‘Priority to the Deprived’ is a reminder that true progress lies in providing support to those who need it the most by ensuring that our actions and policies reflect a dedication to inclusivity and justice.