New Delhi:Multiple YouTube videos sharing the first episode of the BBC documentary "India: The Modi Question" have been blocked as per the directions issued by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, sources said on Saturday. Along with YouTube videos, the Centre has also directed Twitter to block over 50 tweets containing links to the concerned YouTube videos.
Both YouTube and Twitter complied with the government after directions were reportedly issued by Secretary, Information and Broadcasting on Friday using the emergency powers under the IT Rules, 2021. UK's National broadcaster British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) aired a two-part series attacking PM Modi's tenure as Gujarat Chief Minister during the Gujarat riots of 2002. The documentary sparked outrage and was removed from select platforms.
On Thursday, India denounced the controversial BBC documentary series on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and described it as a "propaganda piece" that is designed to push a discredited narrative. "We think this is a propaganda piece designed to push a particular discredited narrative. The bias and the lack of objectivity and frankly continuing colonial mindset are blatantly visible," said External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi during a weekly media briefing.