New Delhi: Being aware of the spike in Covid19 cases in Delhi, Kerala, and Maharashtra, Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan on Friday appealed to the representatives of these three States to intensify testing and adhere to the Covid19 appropriate behavior. Bhusan during a video conferencing with the health secretary and other representatives of these three States also asked them to increase the Covid19 vaccination to all eligible people.
A senior official in the health ministry privy to the meeting told ETV Bharat that Bhushan has expressed concern over the rise in Covid cases. "All the States have been asked to check the spread of infections," the official said. As per government statistics, Delhi has witnessed a spike of 305 cases in the last 24 hours, whereas Kerala registered a spike of 1255 cases in the last 24 hours and Maharashtra witnessed 1373 cases the same period of time.
These States have been witnessing a spike in the last few days. The health secretary has assured all these three States regarding the availability of Covid19 vaccines. Talking about the spike in Covid19 cases, renowned health expert and president of the Asian Society of Emergency Medicine Dr. Tamorish Kole said that the states witnessing a spike in cases need to adhere Covid appropriate behavior.