New Delhi:In order to meet an increase in demand and consumption of electricity over the coming monsoon season, the Centre on Wednesday asked the chief ministers of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka and West Bengal to push coal imports for power generation companies, according to an official release.
“The share of coal-based generation has increased and the total coal consumption by power plants has also increased. You may ask the state generation companies to take immediate steps to import coal for blending in order to meet their requirement during monsoon season,” Union Minister of Power R K Singh said in his letter to the chief ministers. The power minister expressed concern that the tender process for coal import has either not started or not completed in the four states.
According to officials, in 2018-19 a total of 21.4 million tonnes of coal was imported for blending. In 2019-20, the total import for blending was 23.8 million tonnes whereas, in 2021-22, it was only 8.3 million tonnes.
“This is the cause of the stress in the availability of coal,” said an official, adding that the power ministry had earlier advised the state power generation companies to import 10 percent of coal requirement for blending purposes. The states were advised to place orders by May 31 so that delivery of 50 percent quantity is ensured by June 30. 40 percent August 31 and remaining 10 percent October 31.
In his letter to the CMs, the union power minister further said that the state power generation companies may lift the entire quantity of coal offered under the RCR mode expeditiously to build stocks. He stressed that in case of failure on either account, it would not be possible to give additional domestic coal to make up the shortfall.