New Delhi: In the first meeting of the India-Central Asia Summit being held virtually on Thursday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that India and central Asian countries share the same concerns and goals with regard to regional security and were all concerned about the developments in Afghanistan. He said the meeting aims to give an effective structure to mutual cooperation, which will pave the way for the establishment of a platform for regular interaction among all stakeholders and to prepare an ambitious roadmap for cooperation. Presidents of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan are taking part in the summit.
Noting that Central Asia is central to India's vision of an integrated and stable extended neighbourhood, Prime Minister said that mutual cooperation has achieved many successes over the past three decades. He called for defining an ambitious vision for the coming years.
Outlining the goals of the summit, the Prime Minister said the first is to make it clear that mutual cooperation between India and Central Asia is necessary for regional security and prosperity. "I want to make it clear that Central Asia is central to India's vision of an integrated and stable neighbourhood. The second goal of today's meeting is to give an effective structure to our cooperation, which will pave the way for the establishment of a platform for regular interaction among all stakeholders. The third goal is to prepare an ambitious roadmap for our cooperation, which will enable us to adopt an integrated approach for regional connectivity and cooperation," he said.