Hyderabad: As the massive vaccination drive is going around the globe to fight Covid, India which accounts for the production of 60 percent of the vaccine in the world, suffered a setback because of lack of foresight.
Though the Center has taken upon itself the responsibility of vaccinating people above 45 years, its present vaccinations have fallen by half when compared with the vaccines administered over a month ago.
The proposal to vaccinate everyone above 18 years of age from May 1 also suffered a blow. It is a matter of concern that it will take another month or so to reach the desired production level of 10 crores to 11 crore doses a month.
It is alarming to note that the Covid tsunami, which is playing havoc in 12 States with more than one lakh active cases, will subside only by the end of June. In this difficult situation, the only ray of hope comes from the judiciary’s proactive stand.
READ:WHO Chief Scientist says India's COVID-19 figures worrying
At the present pace, it would take at least eight months to vaccinate 80 crore people that are above 18 years of age in the country. The Supreme Court has recently stated that the Center’s vaccine policy is subverting the people’s right to life. It has now ordered the government to formulate a comprehensive vaccination policy.
Former RBI Governor C Rangarajan has advised that while the Center should proceed with a free vaccination program as before, States should concentrate on improving basic medical infrastructure and develop hospitals.
Whereas the other countries are able to filter out covid victims by conducting 50 percent tests, India has managed to conduct only 20 percent tests.
This laxity is giving new strength to the covid virus.
Hundreds of people in India died due to the non-availability of oxygen and ventilators. Having lost patience after making repeated pleas for help, State governments have taken recourse to legal battles for oxygen.