New Delhi: A proactive approach by social media platforms to counter fake news will facilitate credible electoral outcomes that will help preserve "freedoms", Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar said on Monday. Addressing an international conference of election management bodies here, Kumar said social media platforms do proclaim that they have content display policies, but they also have the "algorithm power" in play, according to a statement issued by the Election Commission (EC).
"More early or deeper red flagging of fake news based on known modus operandi and genres is not an unfair expectation from the election management bodies," he underscored.
Kumar said "such a proactive approach to counter fake news will facilitate credible electoral outcomes that will help preserve the 'freedoms' which the social media platforms require to thrive". The CEC said free, fair, inclusive, accessible and inducement-free elections being a cornerstone of democratic polity are also a pre-condition to the peace and developmental dividends.
"These threshold concepts embody the understanding that sovereignty belongs to and flows from the people of a country," the statement said quoting him. Addressing the conference, US Charge d'Affaires Elizabeth Jones said the India-US relationship is most consequential.