New Delhi: The Centre has extended the ceasefire agreement signed with three Naga insurgent groups for one more year. In a statement, the Union Home Ministry said the agreements are with the National Socialist Council of Nagaland-NK (NSCN-NK), National Socialist Council of Nagaland- Reformation (NSCN-R) and National Socialist Council of Nagaland K-Khango (NSCN K-Khango). It was decided to extend the ceasefire agreements for a further period of one year with effect from April 28, 2022 to April 27, 2023 with NSCN-NK and NSCN-R and from April 18, 2022 to April 17, 2023 with NSCN K-Khango, the statement said. These pacts were signed on Tuesday.
On September 8, 2021, the central government had signed a ceasefire agreement with another faction of the Naga insurgent led by dreaded militant Niki Sumi. These outfits are breakaway factions of dominant groups NSCN-IM and NSCN-K. The government had signed a framework agreement with the major Naga group NSCN-IM on August 3, 2015 in presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.