New Delhi:The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on Thursday announced that the Class 10 and 12 results will be declared by July 20 and July 31 respectively. Earlier in the day, CBSE submitted its evaluation criteria for awarding grades/marks for Class 12 exams before Supreme Court.
For Class 10 and 12, marks in the best of three from five papers in term exams will be considered. Speaking to the media, Examination Controller of CBSE Sanyam Bhardwaj said, "Our efforts are that Class 10 CBSE results will be declared by July 20 and Class 12 results will be declared by the July 31, so that students who want to go for study in a foreign country do not suffer."
Explaining the evaluation criteria submitted in Supreme Court, the Examination Controller told media: "There are odd circumstances in front of us and examinations are not being held and without that we have to declare the result. Then the students should be properly evaluated. The situation is known, that's why we have formed a committee. We have developed a criterion so that when the results come out it reflects similar result as students have obtained had there been examinations."
Read:CBSE submits 30:30:40 formula for evaluation to SC, results by July 31