New Delhi:The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on Friday issued a notification regarding question patterns and answer keys for class 10 and class 12 students who have appeared for Term 1 board examinations for the session 2021-2022.
In its release, undersigned by Controller of Examinations Dr Sanyam Bharadwaj, the central board said that it has changed the type of questions to objective type or Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) wherein answers are supposed to be marked on an OMR sheet. It further noted that the OMR sheet too would be evaluated on the day of examination.
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The board has also acknowledged the discrepancies identified in the answer keys.
"Although every possible care is taken by the Board, there may still be a possibility of some ambiguity in questions or discrepancy in answer keys. However, the Board has a well-settled system to address such issues. Therefore, it is informed that the evaluators may check/evaluate the OMRs according to the answer keys provided to them.", the notification said.
The schools were also asked to share any feedback or observations they might have with CBSE.
"As such, it has already been communicated to schools that if there is any observation about the question paper or answer keys, the same should be sent to the Board after the examination", the board said in the notice.