New Delhi: Girls outperformed boys in the CBSE Class-10 exam, which saw the pass percentage of the candidates dipping by 4.64, even as the number of students scoring above 90 per cent and 95 per cent witnessed a jump as against last year's figure. The results of the exam were declared on Friday.
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) had recorded the highest-ever pass percentage of 99.04 in the Class-10 exam last year. However, the results last year were announced on the basis of an alternative assessment scheme as the exams could not be conducted due to COVID-19.
The pass percentage this year is 94.4, which is 4.64 per cent lower than last year's 91.46. The difference between the pass percentage of girls and boys was 3.7 last year. While the pass percentage of girls stood at 95.21, that of boys and transgender candidates was 93.8 and 90 respectively. Over 21.09 lakh regular candidates had registered for the Class-10 exam this year, of whom 20.93 lakh had appeared in it.
Also read:CBSE Class 10 results declared
The number of candidates scoring above 95 per cent has increased by over 7,000, with 64,908 students falling in the bracket. Similarly, the number of students scoring between 90 and 95 per cent has gone up by over 36,000 from last year's 2,00,962. A total of 2,36,993 candidates have scored between 90 and 95 per cent this year.
The number of children with special needs scoring above 95 per cent is 63, while 290 students in the category have scored above 90 per cent. In the CBSE-affiliated schools abroad, 97.29 per cent students have passed Class 10.
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) have achieved a pass percentage of 99.71, followed by private schools (96.86), Kendriya Vidalayas (96.61) and schools under the Central Tibetan Schools Administration (91.27). Government and government-aided schools have achieved a pass percentage of 80.68 and 76.73 respectively. A total of 1,07,689 candidates have been placed under compartment as against 17,636 students last year.
The Trivandrum region has achieved the highest pass percentage of 99.68, followed by Bengaluru (99.22), Chennai (98.97), Ajmer (98.14), Patna (97.65), Pune (97.41), Bhubaneswar (96.46), Panchkula (96.33), Noida (96.08), Chandigarh (95.38), Prayagraj (94.74), Dehradun (93.43), Bhopal (93.33), Delhi East (86.96), Delhi West (85.94) and Guwahati (82.23).
Students can check their results on official website, and Students can also check their results on DigiLocker or UMANG app here. Class 12 Board exams were held from April 26 to June 15. (With Agency inputs)