Kolkata: The CBI directorate on Friday wrote to the West Bengal director general of police seeking details of the murder, rapes and attempts to murder reported during the post- poll violence. The agency will launch the probe as soon as it receives the information sought.
CBI writes to West Bengal DGP seeking details on post- poll violence
The CBI directorate on Friday wrote to the West Bengal director general of police seeking details of the murder, rapes and attempts to murder reported during the post- poll violence. The letter comes a day after the the Calcutta High Court ordered a CBI inquiry into serious offenses committed during the post- poll violence in the state.
The letter comes a day after the the Calcutta High Court ordered a CBI inquiry into serious offenses committed during the post- poll violence in the state. CBI sources said that four teams of 25 sleuths have been formed to probe the matter. Each team will comprise six IPS officers. The functioning of each team will be supervised by an officer of the CBI joint director rank. Each team will have two officers of the deputy inspector general rank and three officers in the ranks of superintendents. CBI's joint director, Pankaj Srivastava, will be in charge of coordinating with all the four teams
CBI officers from Delhi and Dehradun have been mainly appointed in the team. Sources said that all the members of the four teams, who are currently scattered in different cities in India, have been summoned to reach Kolkata within the next couple of days.