Rampurhat:The CBI has decided to conduct forensic psychological assessment of the nine persons arrested in connection with the killings in Birbhum district of West Bengal, an officer said on Saturday. During the assessments, one psychologist will be present to note their body language as well as facial expressions, which will be treated as evidence, he said.
"Forensic psychological assessment will be used while grilling the nine suspects. This is to ascertain whether these persons are telling the truth or lying," the officer told the media. "A psychologist will be present and he will file his findings as a report, while will be produced as evidence in the court," the officer added.
The decision was taken after CBI found inconsistencies in their statements about the incident, another official said. The probe agency has interrogated the officer-in-charge of the firefighters who were involved in the rescue operations at the 10 houses in Bogtui village which were set ablaze after the killing of local TMC leader Bhadu Sheikh, the officer said. The CBI has also decided to send samples of the eight people killed in the carnage for DNA tests.