New Delhi:The CBI has sought help from authorities in the US in tracking two accused, C Prabhakar Reddy who is also known as "Punch" Prabhakar and Mani Annapureddy, believed to be staying in that country in connection with a case related to alleged derogatory social media posts against judges and the judiciary, officials said on Thursday.
The agency has got arrest warrants issued against both the accused from courts in India, they added.
The CBI, which is the National Central Bureau (NCB) for India under the Interpol mechanism, has approached Interpol Washington, which is the NCB of the United States, with the arrest warrants against the duo, the officials said.
The CBI had gathered information on the location of the accused using a Blue Corner Notice of the Interpol, they said.
Every country has an NCB, which is the link agency with the Interpol.
The CBI has filed six more chargesheets against as many accused -- Sridhar Reddy Avuthu, Jalagam Venkata Satyanarayana, Guda Sridhar Reddy, Sreenath Suswaram, Kishore Kumar Darisa alias Kishore Reddy Darisa and Sudduluri Ajay Amruth -- in the case.
CBI Spokesperson Joshi said these accused were arrested by the agency from different places in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana on October 22 and they are currently in judicial custody.
The CBI had earlier arrested five accused in the case and filed five separate chargesheets against them, he said.