New Delhi:The CBI has filed a fresh case against Lok Sabha MP Karti Chidambaram, son of former finance minister P Chidambaram, for allegedly facilitating visas of 250 Chinese nationals after receiving illegal gratification of Rs 50 lakh in 2011, officials said on Tuesday.
The CBI on Tuesday morning started coordinated search operations at 10 locations in multiple cities in the country, including Karti Chidambaram's residences in Chennai and Delhi, they said.The searches are being conducted at three locations in Chennai, three in Mumbai and one each in Delhi, Karnataka, Punjab and Odisha, they added.
A CBI team also visited the official residence of Karti Chidambaram and senior Congress leader and Rajya Sabha MP P Chidambaram at Lodhi Estate here, the officials told PTI. Reacting to the development, Karti tweeted to say that he has 'lost count of the number of cases' filed against him and that it 'must be a record'.
Chidambaram took to Twitter and wrote, "This morning, a CBI team searched my residence at Chennai and my official residence at Delhi. The team showed me an FIR in which I am not named as an accused.The search team found nothing and seized nothing.I may point out that the timing of the search is interesting."
In the new case which is an offshoot of an ongoing probe, the CBI has alleged that Karti had received a Rs 50 lakh alleged bribe to facilitate the visa of 250 Chinese nationals during the UPA regime for Talwandi Sabo power project in July-August 2011, when P Chidambaram was the Union home minister, the officials told PTI.