New Delhi: The CBI has registered one more case related to West Bengal poll violence, taking the tally of cases registered in connection with the incident to 50.
The central probe agency has booked 11 people in the case related to the death of CPM supporter Janmenjoy Dalai. The matter was earlier probed by officials at the Marisdah Police Station in Purba Medinipur district of West Bengal.
Also Read:West Bengal poll violence: Calcutta HC orders DNA test on victim Abhiijit Sarkar
"It was alleged that the accused and other unidentified persons abducted the victim on March 30 while he was returning home from Kanthi. It was further alleged that the accused beat him badly with lathi, iron rod and sharp weapons, and caused deadly wounds all over his body. It was also alleged that he was then left dead by the accused at an empty place," CBI spokesperson R C Joshi said.
The cases related to violence during the assembly polls in West Bengal were handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) by the Calcutta High Court on August 19.