New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) registered a case against Sushanta Mallick, the staff of then Minister of State Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises Babul Supriyo, along with top executives of Engineering Projects (India) Ltd (EPIL) in an alleged corruption case. The FIR was registered in the anti-corruption branch of CBI on Saturday in Delhi.
Babul Supriyo was the Heavy Industries Minister from July 2016 to May 2019. A few months back, he quit Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and joined Trinamool Congress. CBI has alleged that the accused demanded and accepted bribes for providing favour for the tenders awarded and being awarded by EPIL during the period 2016-2017 under the Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises.
On March 12, 2021, a complaint was received and on verification, it was revealed that SPS Bakshi, the then CMD of Engineering Projects India Limited (EPIL), Harcharan Pal, the then Executive Director, EPIL, Paritosh Kumar Praveen, the then Manager, EPIL, RS Tyagi, the then DGM (on contract), EPIL conspired and demanded Rs 50 lakh from Ashutosh Bandyopadhyay, for providing favour for the tenders awarded and being awarded by EPIL during the period 2016-2017, the FIR read.