Rishikesh (Uttarakhand): A seven-member Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) team launched raids at Rishikesh AIIMS based on allegations of scams in recruitment and purchases on Friday morning. Sources said that the CBI officials are currently questioning medical officers ere, while the documents with the hospital's records are also being scrutinized.
The CBI officials had launched similar raids at the hospital in February last year, during which five officials from the AIIMS were booked along with three others. These raids went on for four days between February 3 to February 7, followed by another enquiry on April 22.
The investigation is based on the claims that the AIIMS authorities have pulled off a scam worth Rs 2.41 crores during the purchase of sweeping machines made during 2017-18. The probing authorities had procured evidence that the machines were being offered at lower rates than the purchase, but the expenditure shown by the hospital authorities had some major discrepancies. Additionally, there are also allegations of around Rs 2 crore being embezzled in a tender issued for setting up of a medical store.