New Delhi:A Mumbai special court has quashed a look out circular issued by CBI against the former chief financial officer of Nirav Modi's Firestar International Ltd company which is accused in the Rs 6,498 crore scam pulled off by the absconding diamantaire, officials said on Tuesday. The court agreed with the submission of Ravi Shankar Gupta that he is highly qualified and is required to travel outside the country as he is the executive director of a multinational company.
Gupta had said that he had appeared 31 times before the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for questioning. Seeking the cancellation of the look out circular (LOC), the 53-year-old Noida-based executive said the nature of his job involves travelling outside India, but he is unable to undertake international travel because of the circular. The CBI, however, strongly opposed the plea, saying Gupta was handling the finance of Nirav Modi's company which had siphoned off Rs 6,498.20 crore from the state-run Punjab National Bank (PNB) using 150 fraudulent Letters of Undertaking.