Jammu: CBI on Tuesday morning launched raids at 33 places including Jammu, Srinagar, some districts of Haryana, Gandhinagar, Ghaziabad, Bengaluru, and Delhi in connection with the SI recruitment scam in Jammu and Kashmir.
Raids are also underway at the premises of Khalid Jahangir, the former chairman, and Ashok Kumar, the controller of examinations of the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB). The premises of officials of the J&K Police, DSP & CRPF are also the target of these raids. This is the second round of searches conducted by the CBI in connection with its probe into alleged irregularities, the officials said.
"The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has registered a case on the request of the Jammu and Kashmir administration against 33 accused... on the allegations of irregularities in written examination for the posts of Sub-Inspectors in the J&K Police on 27.03.2022, conducted by J&K Services Selection Board (JKSSB)," the CBI said on August 5 after registration of the FIR.