New Delhi: The CBI has filed a charge sheet against former BARC CEO Sunil Lulla for allegedly manipulating viewership ratings of channels from "his ends" during his tenure in the ratings agency, officials said Tuesday. During the probe that was started on a complaint from a Lucknow-based advertiser, the CBI did not find any evidence of alleged manipulation being done at the customer level by channels, they said.
The alleged manipulation in TV ratings took place at the level of Lulla when he was heading the Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC), according to the agency charge sheet filed at a special CBI court in Lucknow. Lulla has denied the charges. Sources refused to share details of the charge sheet as the special court is yet to take cognizance of it.
The agency has pressed charges under IPC sections 406 (criminal breach of trust), 420 (cheating) and others, they said. The court will take cognisance of the charge sheet on December 15, for which it has issued summons to Lulla, they said.