New Delhi: The CBI conducted searches at 30 locations on Friday in connection with alleged irregularities in the selection of police sub-inspectors by the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB), officials said. The searches were conducted at 28 locations in Jammu and one each in Srinagar and Bengaluru after the registration of an FIR against JKSSB member Narayan Dutt and 32 other accused, including middlemen and candidates, they said.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has also named Karnail Singh, a medical officer posted in Jammu, Avinash Gupta, the owner of a coaching centre in Akhnoor, and a Bengaluru-based company in the FIR, they said. Last month, the Jammu and Kashmir administration cancelled the police sub-inspector recruitment following allegations of irregularities and recommended a CBI probe into the selection process.
It was alleged that there were irregularities in the written examination conducted on March 27. "The results were declared on 04.06.2022. There were allegations regarding malpractices in the examination. The Jammu and Kashmir government had constituted an inquiry committee to look into the same.