New Delhi: The CBI has filed a charge sheet against former railway minister Lalu Prasad, his wife Rabri Devi and 14 others in connection with an alleged land-for-jobs scam during his tenure in the Railways, officials said on Friday.
Prasad's daughter Misa Bharti and a former general manager of the Railways have also been named as accused in the charge sheet filed before a special CBI court recently, they said.
The central agency had registered a preliminary enquiry on September 23, 2021 related to the alleged land-for-jobs scam in the Railways which was converted into an FIR on May 18.
Candidates were allegedly appointed as substitutes in group D positions within three days of applying in "undue haste" by Railway officials and were later, regularised when the "individuals themselves or their family members transferred their land", according to the agency.
The transfers were made through deeds in the name of Rabri Devi and daughters Misa Bharti and Hema Yadav, it alleged. The agency has alleged that land measuring about 1.05 lakh square feet in Patna was acquired by Prasad's family members by making payments to the sellers in cash. (PTI)