New Delhi: The CBI has filed a charge sheet against DMK leader A Raja for allegedly amassing disproportionate assets to the tune of Rs 5.53 crore during his tenure as Union minister, officials said. In its charge sheet filed before a Special CBI court in Chennai, the agency has alleged that a close associate of Raja, C Krishnamurthy, had set up a company Kovai Shelters Promoters in January, 2007 in which a payment of Rs 4.56 crore was received in February that year from a Gurugram-based real estate company as commission for purchase of land in Kanchipuram, they said.
It is alleged that the payment was not for the land deal but a quid pro quo for giving the real estate firm the status of an infrastructure company by Raja during his tenure as Union minister, they said. In the charge sheet filed in August this year, the CBI has alleged that the company had not "undertaken any other real estate activity" other than the purported land deal for the real estate firm. The company had later bought agricultural land in Coimbatore.