New Delhi: Registering one of its biggest bank fraud cases, the CBI has booked Kanpur-based Shri Lakshmi Cotsyn and its Chairman-cum-Managing Director Mata Prasad Agarwal and others for allegedly causing a loss of over Rs 6,833 crore to a consortium of 10 banks led by the Central Bank of India, officials said on Saturday.
Besides Agarwal, the CBI has also named Pawan Kumar Agarwal, Jt Managing Director and Guarantor, Sharda Agarwal, Director and Guarantor and Devesh Narain Gupta, Deputy Managing Director as accused in the FIR registered on the complaint of Central Bank of India, they said. The Central Bureau of Investigation carried out searches at nine locations in Noida, Roorkee Kanpur and Fatehpur on Saturday, the officials said.