New Delhi: The CBI has booked former CMD of Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd Satish Agnihotri on the orders of Lokpal for allegedly favouring a private company by illegally diverting Rs 1,100 crore of government money to it, officials said Tuesday. Agnihotri was last year appointed as managing director, National High Speed Railway Corporation Ltd (NHSRCL), which is handling the government's prestigious bullet train project, post his retirement from Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd (RVNL).
He was sacked in July this year after the Lokpal ordered a CBI probe against him, the officials said. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has also booked alleged beneficiary private company Krishnapatnam Rail Co Ltd (KRCL) in the case registered under IPC section 120-B related to alleged criminal conspiracy and provisions of Prevention of Corruption Act, they said.
The central agency has registered the case on the orders of Lokpal. The anti-corruption watchdog, in its order recommending the CBI probe, had said that as per allegations Agnihotri had misused official position and diverted Rs 1,100 crore (which would amount to Rs 1,600 crore with interest), in an unauthorised manner to KRCL out of the funds received from the Ministry of Railways, resulting in a huge loss to the exchequer.
According to the complaint, Navyuga Engg Co Ltd (NECL) owned a private port Krishnapatnam and wanted to connect it with railway network by laying a 110km line. RVNL had joined hands with the NECL in 2005-06 to form a joint venture company KRCL, which had received diverted funds, the complaint had alleged.
It is alleged that after his retirement from RVNL in 2018, Agnihotri was given plum job in NECL, along with perks including luxury cars and a farm house in Mehrauli, among other benefits. The Lokpal flagged the allegations that Agnihotri, who served for nine years in RVNL, used his contacts in the PSU to get many big contracts from RVNL to NECL in violation of the CVC guidelines.