Chennai: The CBI on Wednesday arrested Bhaskar Raman, an associate of Lok Sabha MP Karti Chidambaram in Chennai in an alleged bribery case. The case is related to Rs 50 lakh bribe for extending visas to Chinese nationals. Raman was arrested by the CBI sleuths during raids at 10 places owned by Karti Chidambaram, including Chennai, Mumbai, Odisha, Karnataka and Punjab. Raids were also conducted at Bhaskar Raman's house and office.
Karti Chidambaram is accused of clearing visas of 263 Chinese nationals working at Talwandi Sabo Power Ltd in Punjab, officials said. The bribery incident is reported to have taken place in 2011 when Karti Chidambaram's father P Chidambaram was the Union Home Minister. The CBI took Bhaskararaman for questioning late Tuesday night and he was placed under arrest in the early hours of Wednesday, the officials said.
The agency has alleged that Bhaskaraman was approached by Vikas Makharia, the then associate vice president of Talwandi Sabo Power Ltd (TSPL), for the reissue of project visas for 263 Chinese workers working at the Mansa-based power plant which was in the process of being set up. The CBI FIR, which contains the findings of the investigating officer who probed the PE, has alleged that Makharia approached Karti through his "close associate/front man" Bhaskararaman, the officials said.
"They devised a back-door way to defeat the purpose of ceiling (maximum of project visas permissible to the company's plant) by granting permission to reuse 263 project visas allotted to the said Chinese company's officials," they said. Project visas were a special type of visa introduced in 2010 for the power and steel sector for which detailed guidelines were issued during P Chidambaram's tenure as the Home Minister, but there was no provision for the reissue of project visas, the FIR alleged.