Mumbai: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Saturday got a three-day remand of former Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the ICICI bank Chanda Kochhar and her husband Deepak Kochhar. The CBI arrested the couple on Friday in connection with the alleged ICICI Bank-Videocon money laundering case. The CBI lawyer in the court said that they have arrested accused number four and five, as per the First Investigation Report registered with them. "Accused 4 was MD and CEO of ICICI in 2009 and the fifth one is her husband," the lawyer said.
He said that after Chanda Kochhar became the MD and CEO of the bank, six loans were sanctioned to Videocon and its subsidiary companies and Chanda was a part of the committees that sanctioned two of the loans. "The loan amount of Rs 1,800 crore has been given to the company," the CBI lawyer added mentioning that another loan of amount Rs 300 crore was given to a company whose part was Deepak Kochhar.
"We are filing an application to invoke IPC section 409 also in this case. We had already given a notice to both the accused under section 41 of the CrPC, but since they did not cooperate so we arrested them," he said underscoring that they had sent a notice to the couple to appear before it on December 15 but they said they would appear four days later and did not come on December 19 as well.