New Delhi: The CBI has summoned Binay Mishra, believed to be a confidante of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's nephew Abhishek Banerjee, on January 4 for questioning in connection with a cattle smuggling case, officials said on Thursday.
Earlier during the day, the agency carried out searches at two premises of Mishra in Kolkata in connection with the case but could not find him there, they said.
The agency then served notices to him to present himself before the investigation officer of the case on January 4, the officials said.
The CBI had also issued a look out circular against Mishra to prevent him from leaving the country.
The agency is tight-lipped about the alleged role of Mishra in the case.
On November 6, the CBI had arrested Enamul Haque, a West Bengal-based alleged kingpin of the cattle smuggling racket running along the India-Bangladesh border.
The CBI had also arrested Satish Kumar, a former commandant of the 36 BSF Battalion, in the case, the officials said.