Kanpur: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat on Tuesday said that casteism was detrimental to the development of the society adding that the entire Hindu society should have equal rights over places such as temples, crematoriums, and reservoirs.
Addressing the senior officials of the Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Sanatan Dharma Vidyalaya in Nawabganj in Kanpur, the RSS chief said that by the time the RSS completes 100 years in 2025, a branch should be established in every village of every province.
" The entire Hindu society should have equal rights over temples, crematoriums, reservoirs etc. Casteism is detrimental to the development of society. No one is big or small. All are equal. People from all the casts are contributing to the national interest," said Bhagwat. He also said that there are no castes whose great men have not been born.