Chennai:Students appearing for their MA History Exam in Tamil Nadu were taken aback on Thursday by a certain question in the paper that asked them which lower caste belongs to Tamil Nadu. Since then, the viral question paper has been making its rounds on social media ever since and has landed Periyar University in trouble.
A viral question paper was designed for students from the second year of MA History to take. Students appeared for the exam on Thursday, July 14, 2022 and the question paper went viral the next day, July 15, 2022. The question since then has sparked a row in Tamil Nadu due to its alleged controversial nature. The question was as follows - "Which one is the lower caste that belongs to Tamil Nadu?" and then students were given the option to choose from - Mahars, Madars, Ezhavas and Harjans.
The controversial question appears under Part A of the paper which focused on the 'Freedom Movement in Tamil Nadu from 1880 CE to 1947 CE'. Netizens were quick to slam the university and question the curriculum of the course at Periyar University. The former CM of the state Edappadi Palaniswam also took to Twitter to share his displeasure upon reading the question.
Vice Chancellor of Periyar University, R Jagannathan, also ordered for an inquiry committee to be formed to look into the question paper setting. The registrar of the university also confirmed to reporters that a committee is being formed to look into the matter. "Question papers are not prepared by us. Other University & college lecturers prepare the paper. Usually, to avoid a question paper leak, we don't read the papers before the exam. We will investigate this & consider reexamination," he said.
Due to the immense backlash from netizens, students and politicians, the Tamil Nadu Higher Education Department will also be forming a committee to look into the matter and take action against the wrongdoers.