New Delhi: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has announced that the Bihar government will conduct the caste census in Bihar on its own. BJP's national spokesperson Guru Prakash Paswan speaks to ETV Bharat and says, "The criterion of development of weaker sections cannot be the caste census alone."
Guru Prakash Paswan said that the Modi government has done many things for the people of weaker sections in the last 7 years. The National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) was given constitutional status. Reservation was given in NEET and to the teachers of IITs, IIMs. Under the Modi government, many SC-STs became teachers and VCs. The leader of OBC society is a minister in the Union Cabinet.
Highlighting the Jan Dhan Yojana, he said, "Under the Jan Dhan Yojana, 44 crore bank accounts were opened, among them most of the accounts were of OBCs and SCs. The coverage of toilets in the country has increased from 30 percent in 2014 to 98 percent today. Social, cultural, economic strength was found by the weaker sections only during the rule of Modi government."
He said, "Lalu Yadav is demanding caste-based census. Akhilesh Yadav said that if his government is formed in UP, a caste census will be conducted. These are all regional parties, fighting for their existence. These regional parties are trying to fool the public by raising the issue of caste census."