Mumbai:The investigation of various charges filed against Amravati MP Navneet Rana and MLA Ravi Rana has been transferred to the CID. The Home Ministry has ordered the Amravati Police Commissioner to transfer the investigation of all the crimes against the Rana couple to the CID. Two years ago, MLA Ravi Rana and MP Navneet Rana protested during Diwali to get justice for the farmers and a case was registered against them.
A statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was installed on the Rajapeth Udan Bridge by MP Navneet Rana and MLA Ravi Rana. After the statue was removed by Municipal Commissioner Praveen Ashtikar in the middle of the night, supporters of Rana staged a protest against the police for removing the statue. A case has been registered against MLA Ravi Rana in this regard.